alibi Yorkshire
YORKSHIRE PORTAL is sponsored by ALIBI Kennel - Italian Breeder Yorkshire Pet Puppies - since '84
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the breed


The Yorkshire Terrier, (often called simply the Yorkie), is a breed of small dog in the toy category. The long-haired terrier is known for its playful demeanor and distinctive blue and tan coat. Yorkies can be very small, usually weighing not more than 7pounds(lbs)  ; the standard of this breed does not mention the minimum weight accepted nor does it specify a height. Based on registrations of the American Kennel Club, Yorkshire Terriers became the second MOST POPULAR DOG BRED in the Usa in 2006, trailing only the Labrador Retriever.

The coat of a Yorkshire Terrier is unique to the canine species. One special difference between the Yorkshire Terrier and other canine breeds is that it does not have an undercoat. A single hair sprouts from each hair follicle, whereas in other breeds there are usually 3 to 5 hairs. This makes the Yorkshire Terrier more susceptible than other small dog breeds to adverse environmental factors such as extremes of temperature and urban pollution.
The special physiology of the Yorkshire Terrier, such as its exceptional coat, fiery temperament and trusty nature make it a very unusual breed that needs special attention.

The size is only one(max 7 pounds).The official standard not include T Cup,Teddy bear,Purse puppy,Baby doll,Miniature,Standard,etc...because they don't exist!

Short notices

Copyright ? 2006-2007 AlibiYorkshire

For information: ALIBI Yorkshire - ITALY
E' reperibile: piemonte, lombardia, liguria, veneto
Air Shipments to Foreign Countries
Tel. (+39) 338.9244747

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